Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day Twenty-Nine: Sunday Funday

Today was super relaxing. I love Sunday drives, so that's what I did today. My Mum and I drove over to Jamestown today. The weather was slated as a slight chance of thunderstorms. That slight chance turned into getting stuck in a flash storm as we were looking out at the light house. It was fun, sometimes I enjoy getting stuck outside in the rain. Here are some photos from today!

 One side of the sky was clear blue and the other side was menacing.

 It has been a long time since I have seen a rainbow! 

 This was moments before the sky opened up on us! The clouds were looking real crazy.

 These are some gates we saw on our way back to the highway. I thought they were pretty neat looking.

I only have 2.5 work days left until my vacation! The time can not pass fast enough! 

See you Tuesday!

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