Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day Eighteen: a nearly sleepless night

Well, folks, here I am on the road to Greenville, Maine! I was so excited I couldn't sleep last night, which means I am very tired this morning. Luckily, I have a great hubby, who had agreed to drive the entirety of the four hour trip by himself! I'm a lucky girl!

I apologize in advance for the low picture quality of these photos- I don't bring my laptop on our camping trips, so I have to use my cell for all my blog photo uploads. I will try to only use really good photos, but no promises!

So these first two are of the truck a good friend let us use for our trip! What a nice guy!!

This is a bridge we crossed over... Looked cool!

Hubby & I en route!!
Moose crossing!! Oh yeah!!
This is the cheapest gas I have seen in awhile. Sad that we had to make a three hour drive to see it! Oh well, we filled up the truck!!
Indian Hill Trading Post; this is where we make our last stop for gas, groceries, and other miscellaneous items. From here, it's an hour to our campsite and there's only one tiny little store between here and there, so we're on our own! I will come back to town on Friday to make another post. Sorry for the lack of photos; I will have way more on Friday! Let's hope I see a moose or two! :)
I will see you when I post again!
<3 Dawn

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